Myanmar Banking
Thailand says no evidence of bank transactions for Myanmar weapons - Reuters
Rights expert urges banks to stop financing Myanmar junta weapons trade - UN News
Thailand is now the Myanmar junta’s favored banking destination as military attacks ramp up, UN expert says - CNN
Banking on the Death Trade: How Banks and Governments Enable the Military Junta in Myanmar - Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (A/HRC/56/CRP.7) - ReliefWeb
UN expert praises Thai plans to stem banking for Myanmar’s arms trade - VOA - Voice of America English News
How Myanmar’s Central Bank Facilitates the Junta’s Oppression - The Interpreter
Thai banks are the top suppliers of financial services to Myanmar’s military, UN expert says - The Associated Press
Myanmar junta restricts cash withdrawal at banks amid economic crisis - Radio Free Asia
Myanmar Bank
Thailand says no evidence of bank transactions for Myanmar weapons - Reuters
How Myanmar’s Central Bank Facilitates the Junta’s Oppression - United States Institute of Peace
Rights expert urges banks to stop financing Myanmar junta weapons trade - UN News
Thailand is now the Myanmar junta’s favored banking destination as military attacks ramp up, UN expert says - CNN
UN expert praises Thai plans to stem banking for Myanmar’s arms trade - Voice of America
Woman opened bank accounts that received over $711m, admits not knowing sources of funds - The Straits Times
Myanmar: Junta Evading International Sanctions - Human Rights Watch
Myanmar's economy set to contract as floods and fighting take heavy toll, the World Bank says - The Associated Press
Myanmar junta restricts cash withdrawal at banks amid economic crisis - Radio Free Asia
Myanmar Monetary
Myanmar/Burma 2025: Challenges & Opportunities - Asia Society
Sanctions rarely achieve their goals – here’s why they failed in Russia and Myanmar - The Conversation
How Myanmar’s Central Bank Facilitates the Junta’s Oppression - United States Institute of Peace
Myanmar households crippled as currency tumbles to record low -
Myanmar’s military junta has conjured up a crazy currency system - The Economist
As Inflation Soars, Myanmar Shop Owners Are Jailed for Raising Wages - The New York Times
Myanmar: total reserves 2020 - Statista
Myanmar’s Wave Money Selects Amdocs to Digitally Transform and Enhance Financial Services Operations - Fintech Finance
Myanmar polices remittances to head off money laundering sanctions - Nikkei Asia
Myanmar Currency
Myanmar households crippled as currency tumbles to record low -
Myanmar’s military junta has conjured up a crazy currency system - The Economist
Myanmar's currency crisis: Kyat's plunge drives up costs amid economic turmoil - AzerNews.Az
Myanmar polices remittances to head off money laundering sanctions - Nikkei Asia
Myanmar’s Wave Money taps Amdocs for Digital Financial Services platform - FinTech Futures
Dedollarization Advances: Russia and Myanmar Discuss National Currency Payment System - News
Foreign currency exchange rates fall as Myanmar Kyat grows stronger - mizzima
World Bank: Inflation, poverty keep climbing in war-torn Myanmar - VOA - Voice of America English News
Myanmar Junta Cracks Down on Money Changers as Dollar Soars - The Irrawaddy
Myanmar Interest Rate
Junta-controlled central bank raises interest rates as value of Myanmar kyat plummets - myanmar-now
DFDL Myanmar: The New Minimum Reserve Ratio and Interest Rate on Average Excess Reserves Set by the CBM - KAOHOON INTERNATIONAL
Myanmar’s War Has Forced Doctors and Nurses Into Prostitution - The New York Times
Banks offer high interest rates to attract fixed deposit accounts - Global New Light of Myanmar
OPIC Signs Commitment to Support Microloans for Rural Borrowers in Myanmar - DFC
Myanmar Cautioned About Costly Borrowing From China - Radio Free Asia
The Cost of the Coup: Myanmar Edges Toward State Collapse - Crisis Group
Dhaka to urge Beijing to lower interest rates - The Daily Star
Banking on Myanmar: A Strategy for Financial Sector Reform - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Myanmar Economy
Cashing in on conflict: Illicit economies and the Myanmar civil war - Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime
Four years after the coup, Myanmar remains on the brink - UN News
Myanmar’s economy in crisis as civil strife disrupts trade and livelihoods - The Associated Press
Labor-starved Russia now hiring workers in Myanmar - The New Voice of Ukraine
Russia and Myanmar will develop a closed-loop economy - AK&M News
2 million at risk of starvation in Myanmar state amid ‘total economic collapse’ - The Guardian
2025/11 "Challenges and Priorities for Myanmar’s Conflicted Economy" by Jared Bissinger - ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute
Negotiations with Prime Minister of Myanmar Min Aung Hlaing - Официальный интернет-портал Президента Республики Беларусь
Myanmar's economy to shrink as floods compound crisis, says World Bank - Voice of America