Particle Physics
World's largest atom smasher makes 1st-of-its-kind 'beauty' particle discovery that could unlock new physics
European leadership in particle physics threatened by China, says Cern chief
Without giant particle collider, Europe could cede physics leadership to China: CERN chief
Europe’s plan for an even bigger particle collider explained
No technical obstacles to new giant particle collider in Europe: CERN
Who Will Build the Next Giant Particle Collider?
The biggest machine in science: inside the fight to build the next giant particle collider
Legendary U.S. Particle Collider Is About to Perform Its Final Smash
Subatomic Particles
Hidden dance of subatomic particles revealed using new quantum computer
New data keeps search for rare subatomic mystery going
Microsoft’s Recent Quantum Claims: Breakthrough or Overreach?
Space oddities
Hints grow stronger that dark energy changes over time
Nvidia CEO says he was surprised that publicly held quantum firms exist
Lightning Triggered by Space Phenomena, Physicists Reveal
Boston’s hot quantum computing scene reels in Nvidia, the biggest name in tech
Symmetry between up and down quarks is more broken than expected
Are Quarks Made of Curd Cheese? The Link Between Quantum Physics & A Slavic Food Specialty
Quark Symmetry Shattered: Up-Down Discrepancy Grows
The Story Behind Words Like Horde, Gherkin, Schmuck & Quarks
Scientists measure the spin-parity of charm baryons for the first time
Top quarks go it alone
Mar 29: Moving forests to save the butterflies, and more...
Charm jets lose less energy
Many birds, one stone
The Standard Model explained: A deep dive into modern physics – part II
Fresh, direct evidence for tiny drops of quark-gluon plasma
Homing in on ∆g: Study nearly nixes negative gluon spin
Strong nuclear force
Charm jets lose less energy
Gluons in Proton (IMAGE)
Nuclear Physics
Dow wants to power its Texas manufacturing complex with new nuclear reactors instead of natural gas
Russian Commander's Nuclear Threat Detailed in Report
Duke Energy receives approval to extend operations at Oconee nuclear plant
Heritage warns US nuclear weapons are decades too old and not ready to take on China
SMR firms race to build a nuclear fuel supply chain
Ticker: Dow wants to power its Texas manufacturing complex with new nuclear reactors; Rocket buying Mr. Cooper in all-stock deal valued at $9.4B
Iran Rejects Direct Negotiations With US Over New Nuclear Deal
Real-time monitoring of advanced nuclear fuel now possible with new test bed
Europe’s Nuclear Trilemma