Memory Processes
Neuroscientists just discovered memory processes in non-brain cells
Neuroscientists Discovered the Key to Dream Memory – And It Might Surprise You
Dream recall: Who remembers their dreams and why?
Working Memory
Why we forget and how science can help improve your memory
How physical activity strengthens memory
How does the hippocampus coordinate memory encoding and retrieval?
Newly discovered 'ovoid' brain cells reshape understanding of how memory works
Human Memory
5D memory crystal can store the entire human genome for billions of years
What Happens To Human Brain Just Before We Die? Scientists May Have The Answer
Adult great apes show enhanced memory for social events
False Memories
Understanding human learning
What happens in the human brain before death? Scientists record final moments and may have the answer
Episodic Memory: Uniquely Human Project
Total recall: some people can remember every day like it was yesterday
More frequent marijuana use may damage an important memory skill
'Eternal' 5D memory crystal capable of storing 360 TB of data for billions of years now holds a full human genome
Short-term Memory
Now Loneliness May Worsen Your Short-Term Memory, Too
Build AI Agents that Never Forget with LangMem SDK Memory Tools
New Study Reveals How the Cerebral Cortex Predicts the Future
Your Good Health: Anesthesia for colonoscopy has a very low risk of delirium
The Link Between Multiple Sclerosis and Memory Loss
Exoskeletons, tracking headphones and a new AI model at the Hannover Messe
To Your Good Health: Anesthesia for colonoscopy has a very low risk of delirium
Long-term Memory
New hack uses prompt injection to corrupt Gemini’s long-term memory
Long-Term Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury
Build AI Agents that Never Forget with LangMem SDK Memory Tools
Tanka Brings AI Memory to Workplace Chat
Tanka Launches AI Messenger With Long-Term Memory to Rival Slack and Teams
How physical activity strengthens memory
Working Memory
How long does data last on a USB flash drive? It’s complicated
Why doctors hide this sleep and memory risk
Sensory and Memory
Sensory Memory
Brain Circuit Identifies What’s Familiar, Important, or Just Background
Direct connection found between memory and sensory processing centers in brain
memory storage
Plainfield playground dedicated to Muslim child killed in alleged hate crime
Researchers discover direct feedback loop in brain circuit connecting memories and emotions
Ferrari ‘erasing Lewis Hamilton’s memory’ as extreme simulator details emerge
Visual Memory
Sharpen your mind: 5 exercises to improve visual memory
Sensory Memory
Photographic memory
Memories persist, details fade
Synaptic device array integrates sensing, memory, and processing for artificial vision
10 Genius Brain Hacks to Improve Your Memory
Hugging Face releases visual language models 'Smolvlm-256m' and 'Smolvlm-500m' that run on laptops with less than 1GB of memory